Getting to know Aryo Falakrou, Architectural Technologist

Do you know your architect’s favorite color? If not, then you are gambling with your life. The quality of our lives is dominated by the quality of space we live in. If you are about to build or renovate, then you have a golden opportunity to upgrade the quality of your life. Who designs the quality of your life? Your architect.
That’s a big responsibility. You are giving someone the task of designing your quality of life for the next 10 to 30 years. Not something you hand over on just because you see a good portfolio.
Choosing your architect isn’t just important, it’s life-changing.
What You Want to Look for in an Architect, Apart From a Favorite Color
If you want a spectacular success in your project, you must know precisely who your architect is. That you drill deeper to find out what truly motivates them, influence them, guide them when they create spaces. To clarify, you should know them as well as they know themselves, down to their favorite color.
Red Flags: What Architect Is NOT For You
The architect who believes that he always knows better. The kind that imagines, once the client sees the final project, will wrap them in their arms offering eternal apologies for questioning the genius. It is great when this happens, except that it often doesn’t. As a result, the clients are forced to live in an overpriced house that was someone else’s dream. That isn’t the house they wanted or asked for.
How Can You Make Informed Decisions on Whom to Choose?
Fortunately, drawing an accurate bead on your ideal architect is quite easy to do. If you ever watched a crime show on TV, you’re halfway there already.
CSI Your Architect (Favorite Color Not Included)
Watch one of the CSI show, or just about any crime show built around the investigative process and you’ll see that one of the key tools the investigator uses is to narrow down their options is to create an in-depth profile of all the suspect’s habits, dislikes, past history, known associates and driving personality.
Similarly, your goal is to create a multi-dimensional profile of your idea architect.
From there, you want to fill in all the business and personal details you can gather. Avoid making this a flat, one-dimensional view. It’s more than just a job description. What you’re really after is a rich, multi-dimensional profile that embodies the mindset, attitudes, experiences, habits and goals of the architect who is going to translate your goals and dreams into a place of life.
To help, I am going to make your CSI profile on me a lot easier. This Q&A will give you an inside look at my past, present and future.

What Is Aryo’s Background?
Born and raised in Iran, he left his native homeland for Vancouver without a word of English at the age of 33.
Before the move in 1997, life was good for Aryo in Iran. He was working on some incredible projects, designing high-rises and shopping malls in the capital city, Tehran. Opportunities were opening fast, but his eyes were elsewhere. He wanted to develop himself as a designer and saw North America as the place he could reach his full potential faster.
Why Canada, Why Vancouver?
From North America, Canada was in his vision, and Vancouver was the warmest metropolitan city in Canada. He loved people in Vancouver, and he felt home the first year he arrived.
What happened when he moved to Vancouver?
To sum up, he arrived in Vancouver alone, unable to communicate, without a job but with an ingrained work ethic and a burning desire to succeed.
The employment market for architects in the late 90s was tough for anyone, let alone a newly arrived immigrant. He focused on improving his communication skills and learned the building codes and permit processes, which were very different from Iran. Still, it took him over a year to land his firm job.
What Work Was He Doing?
Aryo started short term contracts moving jobs every six months as each project finished. Working for 14 different firms within seven years was like riding a project-roller-coaster with every different type of project you could imagine. The pace was relentless and exhausting. But then again, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Aryo became much stronger and increased his already impressive work ethic.
When Did He Start His Business?
By 2006 he was married. Aryo had walked through the fire, overcoming the language barrier and developing a knowledge base of local zoning and building codes better than anyone in the city.
So he buckled up and started his firm with high hopes. Nothing could stop him. Unfortunately, it was terrible timing. Consequently, his business turned to a sitting duck just in time for the 2008 global financial meltdown. Desperate for survival, he had to downsize and take his office into his home.
How Did He Cope With the Recession When There Were No Design Contracts?
In the beginning, his policy was not to accept any contracting jobs because he wanted to stay focused on design. However, as the times are tough, and bills need to be paid, he had to compromise. He ended up taking jobs as a contractor, working alongside tradespeople and builders. While this was a step away from the design work he wanted so badly to be doing, this experience strengthened his construction knowledge and the challenges tradespeople are facing daily.
What Drives Aryo, Besides Favorite Color?
As you might have already picked up, Aryo is ambitious. He wants to do incredible work. He also wants to create works of art that are iconic, alive, and multi-dimensional. By thinking outside the box, he wants to make an impact on the world and the lives of his clients. In short, Aryo thrives on challenges and standing out from the crowd.
How Does Aryo’s Ambition Benefit Me As a Client?
The typical architect doesn’t put enough effort into understanding the client. His approach is to understand his clients, their goals, their inspiration, life desire, and comfort zone. In the words of Aryo: “The other day I told my builder to work as if the home he was building was built for Oprah.”
“I ask a lot of myself and the people who work on my projects,” he says. “We all need to work as if the Queen is going to be taking a tour here.” That is how he works. Every project is as if the client is someone incredibly important.
What Is He Against?
There is a significant trend nowadays for sustainable homes. While he loves the idea of sustainability and he preaches to his clients as much as he can, he also values the aesthetic of the final product. Net Zero, Passive House, or high-performance buildings don’t have to look ugly. Luxury homes can be energy efficient too. Therefore, he puts most of his effort to make sure function, beauty and sustainability can best satisfy the needs of his clients.
Who Does Aryo Admire and Why?
Aryo likes to create places that change and motivate the people who live and work there. Along those lines, he admires business geniuses Richard Branson and Elon Musk and in the architectural world Zaha Hadid. He appreciates the way they think big when everyone around them is thinking small.
Elon Musk wants to conquer Mars and very well may do that. What type of thinking does it take to reach Mars?
Thinking outside the box gets you to Mars. Additionally, it gets Aryo’s clients into their dream homes. Aryo has learned to think bigger than he used to because he has also engaged in personal and business development through the Bob Proctor Coaching program. Aryo has learned a lot AND he implements it. The years of working hard to stay in business had made him think realistically. While he does think outside the box, he is not a risk-taker. Every choice that is made on a project is in favor of the client.
How Does Aryo Define Success?
It took him a long time to remind himself that his driving passion is to leave a footprint, a small ecological one, and a large one on the world as a whole. It is this passion that brought him from Iran to Vancouver, where he is now pioneering his firm, My Home Designer.
What Is His Design Philosophy?
Aryo ultimately values three things:
Harmonizing nature and ancient philosophy with modern architecture
Incorporating sustainability into an ideal lifestyle
Aligning each dream home with the goals of its occupants
“Your home should be a reminder of who you really are and where you are going,” Aryo says. “When it’s well designed, it can inspire you to live your life to the fullest.”
This new chapter begins by opening your imagination, that of a child so we can translate a sanctuary from your youth into your dream home. When he interviews his clients, he draws out their goals and personalities. Through this lens, building your dream home and lifestyle is possible by incorporating shapes, forms, light, and of course, a favorite color.
What Is Aryo’s Favorite Color?
Good question, his favorite color is blue with a touch of red!
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